
From Pastor Tim’s article in the 2/24/16 Weekly Update

Q –What exactly is Eyewitness?

A – It’s a one-person drama from the perspective of a Roman Centurion named Octavius who was an eyewitness to the arrest, trial, crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

Q – What types of things did this guy experience?

A –For starters he was present for the trial of Jesus before Pilate, the Governor of Judea. He was in charge of the scourging of Jesus before His execution and was the leader of the group of soldiers stationed to guard the tomb.

Q –How did seeing all of this change him?

A – How could anyone be an eyewitness to all this history and not be changed? Our guest began believing that all this business was just another insane Jewish Rabbi claiming to be God. It ends with him beginning to doubt his doubts and being forced to deal with the ramifications of what he had seen.

Q – Why should I invite a friend to hear Octavius’ story?

A – I think there are actually a lot of people like Octavius in our lives today. They’ve heard some things about Jesus and the wild events that took place around Him, however, they’ve always been able to cushion those stories with a certain degree of indifference: a ‘change the channel’ type of approach.

When brought face to face with the truth of the events of the crucifixion and resurrection they are forced to deal with what they have witnessed and make some life-changing decisions.

It’s my goal to bring a room filled with people to that place on Easter Sunday.

Q – What should the CAC family do to be a part of this event?

A – First of all, pray. Pray for me to communicate clearly and effectively. Pray for individuals to be bold and invite their friends, neighbors and co-workers to attend on Easter Sunday. Pray for Holy Spirit to work in their hearts and minds in the days leading up to the performance.

Then, invite people. Don’t bank on others doing it; start now. Some people will say no, so spread the net wide and invite 3, 4, 5, so you’ll be sure and have at least one attend.

The entire morning will be more meaningful if you’re sitting next to a person you’ve invited. So, start now!