Unpacking God’s Love
By Tim Keller, Lead Pastor
This past Sunday we highlighted one of our core values as a church, We Lead with Love. For those of you who may not have been present, we emphasized the truth that only God’s love flowing through us (like water through a hose) is capable of getting the job done. God’s brand of love is so different, that when we experience it and allow it to move past us to touch others, God promises that it will have an impact even on unbelievers.
So what does that kind of love look like in everyday, ordinary situations? Here are few examples:
- God’s loves doesn’t mock, condemn, or castigate politicians whose views differ from ours. Whoa, I think I need to review my Facebook postings.
- God’s love speaks words that are born of a genuine concern for the other person. That means sometimes saying truthful words that will not be well received. Wait, I think I need not to automatically agree with what my friend is telling me he is going to do.
- God’s love is willing to sacrifice its own comfort for the comfort of another. Ouch, I think I may need to review my calendar to see what I may need to invest time in that doesn’t benefit me.
- God’s love is willing to help those who don’t deserve it. Perhaps I need to evaluate my views on assisting the poor and the homeless.
- God’s love is willing to discipline me in order to save me from harming myself and others. Oh, so being merciful all the time may not be the best strategy?
- God’s love is never quick to become angry. If the slightest offense from a brother or sister offends me I may not be allowing Christ’s love to flow through me.
- God’s love is not always the motivation for giving. Sometimes I give to be noticed or to feel good about myself. Giving born of God’s love doesn’t require appreciation in order to be valid.
- God’s love is kind. No matter what I say or do, if the tone is unkind the source is not God’s love.
- God’s love is willing to stand next to those who are dirty, rotten scoundrels. Who won’t I be caught dead standing next to?
- God’s love is willing to be humiliated if it means helping someone else to succeed. What am I unwilling to do because I’m afraid how I will look