Crossing the Jordan Together

Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor

What a thrill to serve the Carlisle Alliance family during this call to “cross the Jordan” together to the land ahead of us!

Our pastoral transition season began with a Governing Board meeting on Tuesday evening, August 27, at which each of us was introduced.  During the meeting, various phases of the transition were outlined:

  • An enhanced prayer emphasis, to be developed by an elder team
  • A Congregational health assessment engaging in congregational group interviews, and written surveys
  • A re-affirmation/re-statement of our mission/vision
  • The development of both a congregational profile and a pastoral profile
  • The formal pastoral search and selection (led by our District Superintendent)

During this transition, Dr. Ron Belsterling, a professor at Lancaster Bible College, will serve as the main preaching pastor (beginning September 15).  I will supplement his ministry by preaching one Sunday per month.

All this will require an increased frequency of meetings, so please be praying for our leadership over these coming weeks and months.  Do pray for God’s clear leading over these coming months.

Please know that it is our intention to keep you informed along the way.  Should you have any questions at any point, feel free to call any Governing Board member/elder or you may contact me directly.