The Journey Begins . . .
Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor
Transitions come to all of us. From our birth, to infancy, to our school years, adulthood, careers, and eternity we face shifts from one place or stage to another.
So, even our church family must face eventual transition. Thankfully, our Good Shepherd guides us across the rivers of transition – in our case to place us in the hand of another human under-shepherd. Even though the path may be uncertain, we set our eyes on Jesus, the Head of our church. He will guide us.
During this season, we will be spending special times before the throne of God, seeking spiritual wholeness for each of us, and imploring the Father for His provision and direction as we move to the next lead pastor. I hope you are able to join us in these prayer initiatives.
As we prepare for the eventual search, we will be preparing a congregational profile (describing who we are and where we hope to go) as well as a pastoral profile (describing the characteristics of what we are looking for in a new pastor).
We will be looking for congregational input in both of these preparations. The main way we hope to do that is through “Congregational Group Interviews.” We have two dates scheduled for these:
- Saturday, October 12 – Four opportunities: 9A, 10:30A, 12:30P, 2:00P
- Tuesday, October 15 – Two opportunities: 6:30p, 8:00p
Sign-up sheets are available for each session. No more than 15 people will be in a group.
So, I encourage you to join with us in one of the groups. We need your engagement to accomplish the task ahead.
Thank you!