Timing is Everything

Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor

Wisdom knows how to tell time.  With wisdom, timing is everything.

During the early months of The War, President Abraham Lincoln was in an unenviable position.  His general, George McClellan was clearly ineffective.  Repeatedly, he fumbled in his leadership of the Union forces.  Overly careful, George missed opportunity after opportunity to lasso the Confederate forces.

The answer was clear to all the top governing leaders, including Lincoln: “Fire McClellan!”  He was both incapable and insubordinate on more than one occasion.  He could not be tolerated any longer.  “Take courage, Mr. Lincoln, and do the right thing,” Abraham Lincoln was counseled.

The problem was the young, dashing George McClellan was extremely popular among the troops and the nation.  Newspapers fawned over him and soldiers would tear up when McClellan rode by on his steed.  No officer was more idolized.

Popular sentiment was so high, his military slippages were ignored, for no general in the past addressed the soldiers by name nor visited them in their tents.   In fact, many felt he should be president.

Hence, turning a deaf ear to those who suggested he was being spineless, Lincoln refused to make a change in the fall of 1862.  Why?  It was simply the wrong time.  Oh, it was the right move, but wise man that he was, Abraham Lincoln knew that such an act would divide the Army, discourage the nation, and decrease his ability to lead a weakened nation.

Lincoln left McClellan in place until a more auspicious time which eventually did come.  And, when the right time came, Lincoln took action, brokering a more peaceful termination of McClellan’s duties.  His wise waiting saved the Army and nation of an unneeded and distracting fracture.

Sometimes there are those who wish to “egg” us on to some rash decisions in some alacritous manner.  “Fire the drummer tonight – we have put up with his stubborn ways long enough.”  “End Awana this week – it is too labor intensive.”  “Get rid of the secretary – she has been trying to run the show way too long.” “Buck up – get some backbone, pastor, elders, governing board!”

But what we may credit for courage and chutzpah may actually be selfish folly.  Waiting may not be weakness but wisdom.  Wisdom is not inaction but right timing.