Pride: It is the Sin of the Devil
Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor
Pride is probably the ugliest struggle I have in my personal life. Someone has said it is the mother of every sin. It was that which took Satan down and spawned all sin.
This sin, inherent in all humanity, continues to be our battleground even though we find forgiveness and redemption in Jesus Christ. There is something about human nature which insists that we get our recognition and our rights.
No matter how long we have journeyed with Jesus and no matter our position, the leaven of pride can too often be operating. Sometimes it is so subtle that we sometimes have a hard time recognizing it. Like a chameleon, it can blend in our conversations and actions as simple stories, illustration, or correcting errors.
Yet, even when we are blind to it, others may not be and certainly our Father is not missing it. So, this is a call to spiritual leaders to put a careful watch over our lives to avoid the taint of pride.
Here are some examining questions:
- Do we select conversation stories and examples to let others know how sharp and smart we are?
- Do we exaggerate the facts to make ourselves look impressive to others?
- Do we criticize others, implying that they were/are not as perceptive and effective as we are/were?
- Do we insist on defending ourselves and our record to protect our reputation?
- Do we find ourselves speaking up to inform others that we were the ones who had the idea that eventuated in the project being a success?
- Do we name drop or let others know our position, past or present?
- Do we lie and/or deceive to protect ourselves?
- Do we brag about our progeny – their grades, accomplishments, positions?
I suppose the evidence of pride could almost be endless. That is probably the reason it is a life- long battle.
Please join me in ridding ourselves of this leaven! May with each passing year, we find ourselves more and more selfless and humbly quiet, talking less and less about ourselves and inquiring more and more about others; and, of course exalting more and more our Jesus!