Finishing Strong
Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor
It was near the end of the first week of my new college job as a produce clerk when the general manager yelled to my boss. “Red, it looks like you got yourself a pretty good worker there.” The compliment was quickly offset by my boss’ response, “Time will tell, Jim. A new broom always sweeps clean.” I was disappointed by my supervisor’s skepticism, but perhaps he had lived long enough to see many an employee start out well only to grow lax and sloppy after the initial sprint. The phenomenon is not as rare as we would be inclined to think – even in the ministry. Someone has observed that more than sixty percent of those men and women in scripture who started well did not end so well. Somewhere along the way passion waned and hearts got distracted. Among such were Achan, Solomon, Hezekiah, Ananias, and Sapphira. Author Steve Gallagher notes that many Bible characters who began with a raging hunger for God often would reach peak in their thirties and then would cool off after that point. It was during that era that laxity, spiritual decline, and sometimes shameful sin would occur. Neither they nor we ever wanted that to happen. We have always envisioned finishing our course blazing over the finish line with the shout, “well done, you good and faithful servant,” as we receive the crown of life. Yet, we also know from experience that stumbling, picking up weighty entanglements, and even going down other bypaths are not out of the question. We have watched others take off way ahead of the pack only to see them either tumble or lose heart and finish the race little noticed. I am not sure what happens to us as we hit mid-life and beyond. Do we become over-confident, believing that we deserve to coast after such significant trek? Do we lose our focus on Jesus and put it on the scenery? Do we start believing the press about ourselves – you know, convinced of all the compliments we get? How about us? Are we just as passionate about Jesus as when we first met Him? Are we just as imbued with the Holy Spirit as when we entered into the baptism/filling of the Spirit? Are we just as committed to following Jesus as when we first stepped into the path? Are we sweeping as clean as when the pistol rang forth at the start of the race? If it is, keep up the pace. But, if not, let us return to our first love, agreeing to turn from every sin and weight that hinders us, and resolve to finish well! |