Fatal Attractions
Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor
It never fails. Each time I come upon a serious car accident, it brings fear to my heart. The twisted metal, scattered glass, and sheet-covers sicken me. I think, “that could have been me.” And, like you, no doubt, I pray for the injured and the family members of those apparently killed. Linda and I have both lost extended family members from car accidents so we know the pain of the out-of-the-blue phone call. We all probably know the shock of coming upon a moral crash of someone we know or know of. Similarly, as above, it brings fear to our hearts. The ugly wreckage causes us to consider, “that could have been me.” It is tragic that men and women can spend years assiduously working to build a strong influence only to throw it away through some “fatal attraction.” What in fact fascinates, trips, and traps even those in Christian leadership (not only the Bill Clintons and Anthony Weiners)? As we well observe, most of those destructive plunges have been sexually related. It has been rightly said, “if we cannot govern ourselves, how can we expect to govern others.” So, as we drive past tragic moral crashes of both politicians and Christian men and women, and we observe the tremendous impact on those under them and around them, let us please get a fresh resolve to crucify the flesh and to avoid the draws of the flesh that can entangle us into some alluring fatal attraction. Please, brothers and sisters, let us watch our relationships with the opposite sex, let us police what we set before our eyes, and let us rein in our thought-life. Rather, let us be immersed in Jesus and filled with the Spirit. May we walk obediently, empowered by the One who left us a holy example! |