Keep Your Eyes on the Road
Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor
I couldn’t miss the flashing lights.
It was obvious what happened. A driver heading up the hill took his eyes off the road and plowed into a parked car which in turn smashed into the car ahead of it.
I can only imagine the sick feeling the driver and the owners of the other two cars must have felt.
Probably the most basic fundamental skill of driving is keeping one’s eyes on the road. Visual straying can be catastrophic.
Most of us start our careers and our walk with Jesus with our eyes committed to the road in front of us. Our mission and objectives are clearly understood as we head down the highway. But at times, our eyes can stray.
Putting our vehicle on cruise control, we can find our attention going other places – to selfish purposes, to fleshly goals, to worldly gain, to impure thoughts or to other paths not directed by our Lord.
I have too many friends who ended up in horrific crashes because they took their eyes off the road God had directed for them. They got comfortable, perhaps even felt invulnerable, and began putting their focus elsewhere.
So, I call all of us to an unwavering focus on the road to personal holiness, obedience, and the missional call of God. Ignore the allurements of the flesh, the over-indulgence of sports, hobbies, and interests, or the draw to other pastures. No crashes, please!