We Belong to Each Other

We Belong to Each Other

“For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”

Romans 12:4-5 (emphasis added)

Last week we considered the first half of this passage, Romans 12:4, and in this article, we will look at some of the implications of verse 5. From verses 3-8 the Apostle Paul considers the issue of spiritual gifts. Spiritual gifts are abilities that God gives a person at or following conversion that he or she did not have prior to coming to faith in Christ. These are distinct from natural abilities or talents that were learned over time. Both natural abilities and talents a person would have regardless of if he was a believer or not. Spiritual gifts are abilities the person did not have before but now does as a Christ follower. Last week we saw that every believer has spiritual gifts and at least some of them are given at the moment of conversion. This means that everyone has something he or she can contribute to ministering to the rest of the church.
In verse 5 Paul wrestles with the question of WHY should a believer use his gifts to minister to other believers. On the surface one could argue that we have a responsibility to serve others because our gifts are given by God, and they were given to please God. This would be true enough. We have been bought with a price and we are to glorify God in our body. (1 Corinthians 6:18-19) He saved us from our sins so that we would “glorify God and enjoy him forever.” Even if the Bible gave no other motivation this should be enough motivation to move us to service for the rest of our lives.
In this passage Paul gives a further motivation to serve others, we are “individually members of one another.” This is a difficult concept to fully grasp. What Paul is saying is that God has given you spiritual gifts for the express purpose of ministering to one another and you literally owe it to them to use your gifts in this way! Because God has made us as one Body, we are to function in interdependence upon one another. We need each other and they need us. We don’t think much about our heart but if it went on strike, it wouldn’t take long for the rest of the body to realize it. If our lungs decided to stop working the rest of the body would not function properly at all. It is funny how much of our bodies we take for granted until something goes wrong. Ask anyone with a kidney stone if suddenly that is an important part of the body. Toes are a very small part of your body but when you stub your toe walking in the dark your whole-body winces in pain.
What are our takeaways from this verse. First, it is important for us to consider what spiritual gifts has God given you? He has given some gifts to every believer, so if you know Jesus you have spiritual gifts. Second, he has given you these gifts to use. We are to step out in faith and try new things. Sometimes we don’t even know we have a certain gift until we try something new and suddenly realize we have an aptitude and desire that previously didn’t exist. Finally, these gifts are for other people. If we are not actively using our gifts in ministry in the lives of other believers, we are neglecting to use these very important gifts.