Radical Love

“To the contrary, ‘if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.’” Romans 12:20 This verse is one of the most challenging in the entire chapter. It is challenging in both what it clearly says as well as in what the […]

If Possible…

If peace were the paramount virtue of the Christian life, then it would be right to “go along to get along.” If maintaining peace was our highest virtue, we would refrain from saying anything that was confrontational or would be perceived as harsh no matter how necessary it is to say.

The Importance of Unity

Unity is important for the church, but it is not ultimate. Truth is. I once had a man tell me that unity is the most important thing in a church, insinuating that it was permissible to lie to keep the peace. If unity is more important than truth, then one feels justified in being deceitful or underhanded to not rock the boat or cause controversy. Yes, God wants us to be unified as a church, but that unity is based on the foundation of the truth of God found in the pages of Scripture.

Justice and Revenge

Individually, the call is clear for the believer. When we are insulted, we are not to retaliate or allow bitterness to build up in our hearts. Instead, we are to pray for our persecutors and pray for them to repent and come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

Sacrificial Generosity

A farmer could send his workers to go through the fields again and gather up all the harvest that they missed the first time. But the Lord instructs his people to leave the missed produce in the field so that the poor and sojourners could go through the fields and find food for themselves.

What’s the Connection?

The New Testament uses the word hope in a different way. Hope is a confident assurance of a future reality. There is a certainty to biblical hope that undergirds our faith. The things that God has promised are absolutely certain to happen without question or a shred of doubt.

Fervently Serve the Lord

There is a paradox in the Christian life. On the one hand, we are to rest in the Lord but that does not mean inactivity. On the other hand, we are to fervently serve the Lord but that does not mean works righteousness. Both seem like a contradiction; how can you rest in the Lord when you are being active and how can you fervently serve the Lord without it turning into works righteousness?

Outdo Each Other in Love

Whether you are “outdoing one another in showing love,” or “honoring one another above yourself,” the meaning is clear. I think this is what made Jesus so attractive to so many sinful people. He was and is the God of the universe, Creator and Sustainer of all that exists. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Yet he was humble and focused on others.