What Do You Treasure?

There are two types of values we are looking at, “actual” values and “aspirational” values. Actual values are those things that we are passionate about that we are already doing and are what motivate us as a congregation. Aspirational values are those values which we see are biblically central to every local church, but they are values we need to grow in.

Pure in Heart

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” Matthew 5:8 In one sense, this is a very straightforward statement. But we need to ask ourselves what does he mean by the word, “pure,” and what is our, “heart”? First, what does the Bible say about our heart? Jesus says of our hearts, “But what comes out of […]

Showing Mercy

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” Matthew 5:7 Why is mercy so important? Mercy is an aspect of grace. It has been said that grace is God giving us what we don’t deserve, and mercy is God not giving us what we do deserve. James Montgomery Boice tells us that mercy is the aspect of God’s grace […]

Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Matthew 5:6 I hate diets! I know, it isn’t a diet, it is a “lifestyle change.” Whatever you call it, it isn’t fun, and it is hard to do. Since 2016 my doctors have encouraged me to go on a diet because diabetes runs in my […]

The Strength of Gentleness

The promise here is not ultimately about dirt on the ground, now or in eternity, but the reality that we will dwell with God for all eternity and that he himself will be with us when heaven and earth are jointed together. He gives us new life now and the promise of our dwelling with him forever.

Burdens vs. Loads

As we grow in wisdom and maturity, we need to be able to distinguish what is a burden and what is an everyday load. Trying to carry burdens on our own may lead to temptation and sin. To ask others to carry the load we should be bearing ourselves leads to dependency and enabling.

Overcome Evil

God is always at work reaching the lost and building up believers and he wants to use you to accomplish his purpose. When you are faithful, they can try to malign your name or persecute you for your faith but ultimately God will use your faithfulness in the lives of others.