Weekly Update Blog

Weekly Update Blog

Repentance: Do We Take It Seriously?

Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor  A few weeks ago, I believe God gave me a dream to alert me to my failure to faithfully repent. In my dream, a friend came to me burdened by a bundle of sin and said he wanted to confess it so he could be rid of it.  He then began to tearfully tell me […]

Knowable But Incomprehensible

Daniel Friess, Elder The recent comet, the launch of another rover to Mars, and the launch and return of astronauts to the space station has reawakened our kids’ fascination with space. And it brought up a question: How big is space? As a former math teacher, I’ve spent a good deal of time processing magnitude. As with so many things, […]

God Wants To Work With Us

Pete Einstein  Our God is an awesome God. Our Creator is omniscient – all knowing – and omnipresent …everywhere. God is loving and good. That is His nature. He can be nothing else. Through the shed blood, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the price for our sins was paid. You and I have been “set […]

My Identity

Bill Hench, Elder “Hi, my name’s Bill, I’m an MMA fighter.”“Really? You’re from one of the toughest groups of people ever! I’m honored to meet you!”“I know.” Everyone is looking to having an identity with something that is bigger than themselves. I had a guy I know pull up to my house one day on his Harley with Harley jacket, […]

Our Journey: As Important As The Destination

Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor It has taken me awhile to recognize that fact.  For too long my single focus has been on accomplishing the task, the goal, the initiative, solving the problem, or getting through a certain stage. So, with resolve, I have given attention to resolving the conflict, managing the illness/injury, and figuring how to handle the […]

Just Start Being a Friend to Sinners

Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor Evangelizing our neighbors or our townspeople is just too overwhelming for me.  I have tried various confrontational methods and I have rarely gotten anywhere.  I have used tracts, the four spiritual laws, and the two questions and on a few occasions it resulted in some prolonged discussions but normally I did not get far.  […]

Brevity: The Soul of Wit

Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor There is something genius about saying much in little. Anyone can drivel on, but rare are the mavens who can craft wisdom with a few creative words. Whether in the written word, the public speech or the private conversation, brilliance is in brevity. Read the reviews of Lincoln’s address at Gettysburg. You may recall the verse […]

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor I couldn’t miss the flashing lights. It was obvious what happened.  A driver heading up the hill took his eyes off the road and plowed into a parked car which in turn smashed into the car ahead of it. I can only imagine the sick feeling the driver and the owners of the other […]


Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor Finally!Yes, finally we can return to our corporate gatherings this Sunday!  What we thought would be two weeks has gone 14 Sundays without congregating together for worship, discipleship, and fellowship.  Wow! Who would have ever thought on January 1 that for more than 25% of the year ahead we would not be meeting? We certainly […]

Fatal Attractions

Pastor Randy Corbin, Transitional Lead Pastor  It never fails.  Each time I come upon a serious car accident, it brings fear to my heart.  The twisted metal, scattered glass, and sheet-covers sicken me. I think, “that could have been me.” And, like you, no doubt, I pray for the injured and the family members of those apparently killed.  Linda and […]